Gin & Tonic Violet Infusions (5 Pack & Roses)
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Te Tonic - Gin & Tonic Violet Infusions & Roses
Upgrade your gin & tonic (or cocktail) with these Te Tonic flavour infusions.
This Nanopack contains 5 infuser bags with a surprising mixture of mallow, echium and orange blossom. Plus persian rose buds to garnish and scent your favourite cocktail.
Just pour your favourite gin into a glass, drop in a bag, let it infuse the gin, remove the bag, add ice, top it all off with tonic, and enjoy.
Take your gin and tonic cocktails to the next level of flavour.
- 5 pyramidal infusers of echium, mallow and orange blossom flowers and rose petals.
- Persian rose to garnish.
Manufactured in Spain.
Available while stocks last.